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Monday, November 30, 2009 ♥

I'm going to start now...
Today need to go school because got Art Club~
Then all the pupils go except for some...(They no time so cannot go)
P2,P3,P4 and P5 all go..

Then Mr Chin tell P5 to stay in Art Room 1 because they need to finish some art pieces...O.o
After that, Mr Chin tell P2-P4 to leave our bags in Art Room 1 and he brought us to the library

Then he teach us a method of art called 'Masking'
The form of art called 'Masking' means when you paint on something, you have to make a picture using masking tape and tape until it forms the picture you want and then paint and when the paint dries, take off the masking tape and the places where there were masking tape will be white and that will form a picture.
You understand now?

But then only P2 and P3 do that one then P4 special leh!
P4 go in library ( GOT AIR-CON!! )

Then Mr Chin suddenly also ask the P2 and P3 to come in also....O.o
Then he teach us what is 3D and 2D but then P4 pro mah so we know what's that liao....=.=''

Then he tell the P2 and P3 to go outside and paint and he tell the P4 to stay in the library~

Then he tell us to take white glue, paint brush and cup(We ALREADY brought the paint brush and cup when we were coming up 'cause Mr Chin told us to bring XD P2-P4 all bring)
AND newspaper then we go take lor then we come back and Mr Chin say we need to use the white glue and 'paint' it around the pillar(The pillar have been decorated as a tree and it is all masking tape) and paste the newspaper all over it (Means paste all over the 'tree')

Then the fun work came!!! We go pour glue inside the cup and we started to tear the newspaper into square pieces because Mr Chin told us to do so...>.<
Very hard to tear.....Tear out of shape liao..LOL

Then we paste and paste and paste and paste until the fun work become tough work....We were sooooooo tired....
Then we keep refilling the glue and tearing the newspaper..>.<

FINALLY, we went for break and go canteen and eat then me and Zhi Ning play 'Scissors, paper, stone'
And then we went back to the library..

The others already took chairs and are glueing the top so we also go glue the top standing on the chair..>.<

FINALLY!!! WE FINISHED!!! then we go read storybooks..

Then suddenly Shi Ying say:"Why don't we clean the place!"
Then we go clean..
Wash brushes and cups : Zhi Ning
Collect useless papers and cover back the the glue covers : ME!!!
Collect useful papers : Shi Ying
Arrange the things : Pui Ying and Shi Ying

Then we done...WHEW!
Then we go out and use sponge and clean the paint in the library..
Then clean GIRL'S toilet...
Then OVER!!!!
And then we gather and Mdm Lim gave out the gifts as rewards for our hardwork!! It is a file by the way...
Then Mr Chuan tell us something?
He say P4 very hardworking!!! YEAH!
LOL =.=''
Then every one dismissed except P 5 because they made a mess of Art Room 1..
Then I saw my parents and my BIG sis(BTW, my YOUNGER sis also Art Club and she also go with me...LOL)
Then we go back into the school to buy books and uniform.
Wait, still got..
When I came back, I slept till 5 PM
P.S Very long leh....


listened to the sweet sound @ 5:57 PM

Sunday, November 29, 2009 ♥

SOooooooooooooooooooo B O R E D
Very bored bored
Nothing to write about.....ZzZzZ
So BB!!!! ^^

P.S. I cut my hair today...Quite short...


listened to the sweet sound @ 9:40 PM

Friday, November 27, 2009 ♥

Haizz.....Nowadays so sian...Nothing to do except play computer but then today FINALLY go out with my WHOLE family!! XD So happy lol...
Today go JP(Jurong Point) and why? To check out handphones and laptops lor!

Check out handphones because : My YOUNGER sister will get a hand phone at her age?!(she is 8 years old) Just because she got third in class!?Then also not comfirm is she go 1st banded..
Then she like act proud lor! She porpusely go make us jealous but then we not lar 'cause every 2 years we can get a new phone and we will buy the newest one and my YOUNGER sis's handphone will be outdated liao!! My BIG sis next year can get new phone while I must wait 2 years 'cause she last year get and I this year get!! So NG KWOK CHING! WE WON"T GET JEALOUS ONE HOR!! THINK YOU SO GOOD MEH?! WE BETTER AR!

Check out laptops because : My BIGGER sis next year go SST(it is a new school) and compulsary must get a laptop one~ So good lor but then my dad say when I go sec school I will still get even if it is compulsary or not!^^

And then we go Dairy Farm but then my father first time go there so don't really know where it is located and he keep seeing the map and he finally found the place! But then the dairy farm no entrance one leh! Then my father very angry then he saw a carpark and he suddenly relized that it is actually the Dairy Farm carpark then he go complain to me that why they never put the sign that it is the Dairy farm then he keep scolding them but he is only talking to me......not them.....lol
Then we went in then it started to rain!! I was like so angry 'cause we were driving around to find the place and also to find the Dairy Farm and we finally got there and it was raining and we could not go!!!!
I wanted to shouted :"F*CK YOU FREAKING RAIN!"Then I pointed the middle finger.... XD

And we went home... T-T




listened to the sweet sound @ 7:04 PM

Wednesday, November 25, 2009 ♥

Hello...Second post liao(Today)
Let me tell you something....I miss my friends!
But I still miss other things like the school and my homework(Not used to it)
And most of all.....I MISS 4H!!!!!!!!!!
I'm screaming, shouting, yearning to go back to the days where there was always laughter, joy, happiness, warmth.......
The days where there was 4H!!!!!!!!!!
I would pay anything to go back to the days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to go back to the past!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But it's all too late, too late....
Everyone in 4H took the days for granted....It is no use regretting it already.....
Too late...
But we did treasure the last 1 hour together(Except for some pupils)
Because of Mr Tan!!! Thank you Mr Tan!!!!!
So farewell!
All my friends!!
I miss you and I wish you all the best!!!!
Thank you for all the joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


listened to the sweet sound @ 9:11 PM

Hiie~! Nice to meet 'cha again~ ^^
How are you doing?~ ^.^
Me? Well...I am B O R E D !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyday play and play computer....
But I still want to play leh...Even though I bored of computer 'cause I want to harvest my plants(some games in Facebook) so nobody will steal and if I everyday play then can level up easily and next time when I want to level up, I don't need to everyday play computer...>.<

listened to the sweet sound @ 9:05 PM

Thursday, November 19, 2009 ♥

Today is a last day of school for this year! I am sooooooo going to miss 4H!

Let me tell you a story(I made it myself and you can also see it on Facebook but I forgot some of the details but it still have the same meaning and I kinda add a few details) :-

I was walking on the street, looking at the things around me, wandering about..
Then on a particular road, where there was a lot of cars zooming past, I saw an old man, who was standing there, waiting for the cars to stop but none of the drivers were even bothering to stop so I ran towards the old man and I helped him walked across the road by lifting the umbrella he was holding!

It was long enough for all the drivers to see and to my surprise, I was not even on the road yet they stopped!

So I helped the old man walked across the road. The old man was so grateful that he asked if he could do anything to repay me and I said "Are you someone who can predict the future accurately and read other people's mind?" I thought that no one could predict the future ACCURATELY or read other people's mind so I purposely said that so that the old man did not have to repay me because I don't need him to repay me but the old man actually said YES!

I was so surprised that my mouth were wide open and so I asked " Then when is the saddest day of my life SO FAR?" I knew that it was the graduation of 4H so I waited for the answer...

The old man said "This day is a day which will be the most regretful and saddest day you had in your whole life SO FAR and it is The Graduation Of 4H! But let me give you an advice, even if you all are separated, your hearts are still united!This is a simple advice but I still have something to tell YOU! Even if you are in different classes, you all must still remain happy! Or else Mr Tan will be very upset because you all are not enjoying the 2 years! Remember! There are still sadness in life and you MUST overcome it! So all of you must be H A P P Y!"

That was what the old man said!

I was very touched by his words that I almost cried!

So you know the moral of the story already right?

P.S.The old man is actually a magician who have powers thats why he knows how to predict the future and read other people's mind and he also know that Mr Tan is our form teacher!

P.P.S This old man is not real!


listened to the sweet sound @ 5:29 PM

Yesterday have the Amazing Race!

At first, our class were spilt into groups of 5 then we must find places that have the questions and then we must put it in the PDA(The clues for the places are given by the parent volernters(dunno how to spell) )

Then after that we must go basketball court then must race till the end and type out words that the people give you.....Then Register number 20-30(Don't want to say the names) is in my group then we R A C E! Then I finish still got 2nd round for register 20-26 then I am 26 then can go 2nd round so that we can finish the whole lists of words..
But then Atikah(27) want to join then I say no, Jia Hui also say NO then Jia sheng also want and without any permission he go and run and we did not even know! Then he say is zhining let him go because zhining is 24 but it is actually is his fault because only zhining say yes but the others have't leh! He so what lor! But then me and Jia Hui still quarreling with Atikah then Atikah still want then I say you go lor you go lor but she COMFIRM know that I still want to go one! Then she still go run then after that the group members go and scold Atikah but then Dean and Yu Hui go and scold me for not telling Atikah that I want to go but I got say lor! They anyhow go and say so I cry! Then we go back into shelter then got people come and comfort then blah blah blah...

Then Mr Tan come then he know what is happening liao 'cause the boys scolding Cheston and I was crying!
Then Mr Tan go and ask why Atikah go and cut the queue then she say I FORGOT! WHAT THE HELL IS SHE SAYING! I want to say to her this " GO AND FU*K OFF HERE! YOU SUCKISH FU*KER!!!! "
If it was you, would you be so angry that you wanna PUNCH HER FACE!?
I almost went to hit the pillar!
But then I calm down then we go back to class then Mr Tan say blah blah blah but then I still angry with her so after recess Atikah go and asy sorry to me then I forgive her then Aaron come and heard us and said "WAH! Just now you so upset then now you so cheerful.."

So let me tell you something, I AM Easy-Going but if you still make me angry for the rest of my life I would curse you until the end of my life!So do not think I am a kind of girl who forgives and forgets easily ok?! I can be as angry as a person who can break a hole in the wall!


listened to the sweet sound @ 5:07 PM

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 ♥


.......Erm...On my previous post I said I will post what I get for my present that night right? So I forgot...


Anyways I forgot to post it is because I had too much fun liao...then I forgot..=.=''' Stupid reason right?

Anyway, I am going to post what happened during my birthday then I will say what I got for my birthday...

This is what happened:

1) Play computer until 3:30 p.m. 'cause need to go Pioneer Mall and meet Jia Hui and Eunice

2) Go meet at Macdonald's and Jia Hui and Eunice were already there waiting for me..=.=''

3) Go into Mac then Eunice pull me to the cake display and ask me which cake I want then I know what she thinking liao...You know too right?

4) After we eat finish the cake(We shared(Me, the biggest one then Jia Hui the second biggest then Eunice one is the smallest) LOL)

5) After we eat finish the cake then Jia Hui give me present(Won't tell you)

6) Play and play and play and play(For more information, you can ask Jia Hui or Eunice what we played yesterday)

7)Then go 7 Eleven and bought mashed potato(BBQ flavour)

8)Then Jia Hui and Eunice and I go home~

9) Go home liao then my mum cooking lots food(very nice one)

10) My Biao Jie and her husband come to my house and greet me Happy Birthday! Then they give me present(Can't say)

11)Order pizza

12)EAT AND EAT!!!!!!

13)PLAY AND PLAY!!!!!!

14) PLAY COM!!!!!!


NOW IS PRESENT TIME(means I am going to say what presents I recieved)

Mother and Father-> Watch and wallet

Big sis-> A handphone keychain with 4 stars, 4 bells and a teddy at the bottom(If you want it see it, ask me)

Small sis-> A '555' notebook and a eraser and a cat ball(don't know how to describe but if you want to see then ask me)

Biao Jie and her husband->$20($10 from each of them)

Jia Hui(NG)->A braclet that has diamonds

Eunice->An 'Oreo' cake



listened to the sweet sound @ 5:14 PM

Monday, November 16, 2009 ♥

Today my B'day!!!!Yeah!!!~ So happy!!!!!~
My presents.....Erm...Haven't recieved yet but I got recieve my Big sis one...It is a Handphone keychain that has 4 stars, 4 bells and a bear at the bottom(If you want to see it, you ask me..)
Anyways, I will tell you the presents I am going to recieve TONIGHT 'cause my mum and dad and small sis will give me TONIGHT and Jia Hui and Eunice will give me when we go Gek Poh/Pionner Mall later....:3


listened to the sweet sound @ 1:48 PM

Saturday, November 14, 2009 ♥

Yesterday I sick sia......
Wake up very dizzy......zzzz Got up and get ready..Change clothes, tie hair , wear socks then drink chocolate milk...Tell my mum very dizzy then my mum tell me to eat some sort of medicine then I go eat lor...Then my mum go and touch my forehaed no fever but I feel like vomitting leh..My big sis say maybe is stomach flu 'cause she last time have but then she no fever and she also very dizzy and also feel like vomitting..
But my mum stil let me go school and she tell me to go back home if I still not feeling well..zzz
Then I go school with my big sis...Still feeling dizzy..zzzz Go hall and Ng Jia Hui tell me to patner her so I go patner her lor...Then do silent reading..I feel very very dizzy and I feel my my vomit is coming out so I tell Jia then she quickly go and tell Mr Tan then Mr Tan tell Jia to go with me to the toilet then go GO(General Office) so I go with Jia to the toilet then I V O M I T
At first vomit yellow yellow liquid(tastes bitter)(My big sis say is stomach fluid)
then vomit out brown brown liquid(tatses sweet)(I relized its actually the chocolate milk I drank in the morning)
Then go GO with Jia then call my mum and then Jia go liao (She need to go for IT test)
Then I wait and wait for my mum then go home....

Missed the IT test lolzzzz
Thanks Jia for your help >.<
Missed the fun in the class yesterday(the games)


listened to the sweet sound @ 1:04 PM

Thursday, November 12, 2009 ♥

HIHI~ I am here again to tell you something.........

lalalalalala I'm not telling you! JKJK

The thing is this...

On one of my post I got say that I got 91.5/100 for science and second and blah blah but then it is wrong!!

I did not get SECOND!! Instead,I got 92/100 which means I got FIRST!!!

You know why I make a mistake? 'Cause I I see the 70% one and I did not see the 100% one so sunddenly I relized it and I was soooo happy!!!!
^-^ ^_^ ^.^ >.< >-< >_<



listened to the sweet sound @ 2:52 PM

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 ♥

Today Mr Tan gave us all our report books and we also got the form for Higher Mother Tongue but only 5 people never get into Higher Mother Tongue...And guess what?! I got into Higher Mother Tongue! And I got into First Class so I will still remain in the First Class! <>.<>Anyway,I got second for science!(O.o) I got 91.5/100 for science and guess what?! The highest is 92/100!! BOOHOO HALF MARK AWAY!! But still happy lar... At least not 7o something >.<
Anyway I overall score got 356/400!! Improve by 4 marks 'cause I SA1 got 352/400...And the most important thing of all...MY CLASS!! My class is 5_! HAHA TRICKED YOU! I will tell you at the end of this post...The saddest thing of all is that I am separated from Jia hui(NG)...She 5G and I 5_.....I also got separated from Eunice(STILL)... She 5H and I 5_.. I almost cried.. T.T Really really very sad...:[ But I know we are BFF and we will NEVER EVER be separated in our hearts!

This is you all have been waiting for.. MY CLASS! my class is 5I(MY class) which is the First Class and 5H(Eunice's class) which is Second followed by 5G(Jia Hui's Class(NG) ) which is the Third...

Signing off,
The Sad Girl


listened to the sweet sound @ 3:10 PM

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 ♥

I long time never post liao leh...
Anyways!Exam over liao and yeah yeah!! Play board games everyday(not everyday lar)
'cause Mr Tan say we can play board games but he say we can play board games is not beacause exam over...It is because some people in 4H will not be sticking together in the First Class...
I scared I will get separated from Jia Hui leh.....T.T Hiaz..all I can do is pray that we two will stay in the First Class...
Anyway,these are my results:-
Chinese-82.5/100(Chinese I not sure leh (I forget) but I know is not Band 1 and it is around 80)

P.S. Annete say I appeared on TV 'cause on a post I say I got interviewed in Body World and I say I may appear on TV so.... =.="'


listened to the sweet sound @ 4:34 PM

All About Her ♥

-Hiie~ I'm ஜ Kwok wing
-I am 11 this year! ^^
-Currently studying in WGPS
1K 2H 3H 4H 5I
-Birthday's on 16th November(Presents are acceptable!~)
-Best friends are :
Jia Hui(Ng) Zhining Yu Lin Janis
-Am a BIG fan of Taylor Swift and SHINee

Desires ♥

-MUST get good grades every year XD
-Get into NUS high! MUST ( If not, MUST get at least *275* for P.S.L.E)
-Get a laptop like my big sis~ O_O
-Get my handphone fixed!/Get new handphone!
-Be a Doctor when I grow up

Hates ♥

-Fu*king Bitches/Bastards
-Perverted stuff

Taylor Swift! ♥

Taylor Swift Website! :3♥

Should You Click? ♥

Better don't click this!

Tick Tock ♥

Chit Chat ♥

Music! ♥

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Sweet Escape ♥

4H blog♥
Kok Yin[Big Sis]♥
Kwok Ching[Small Sis]♥
Jia Hui(Ng)♥
Zhining Jerlin♥
Zhong Han♥
Zheng Yang♥
Qian Lin♥
Sue Yu♥
Sin Yee♥

Memories ♥

June 2009July 2009August 2009September 2009October 2009November 2009December 2009January 2010February 2010March 2010April 2010May 2010June 2010July 2010August 2010September 2010October 2010December 2010

Credits ♥
