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Saturday, December 25, 2010 ♥

I don't know how long ago did I last come here!
Erm.. Maybe I do know - October 14
Btw, I didn't post about my birthday..
So I'm going to that now and also I will be putting a lot of stuff in this post so don't complain it's too long!~

First, I'll start from the top.

Exam ! Well, I got into 6I, first-banded class XD Hahas
I not bragging, it's that I guess everyone in P5 moved on but it's the same class so there were no changes except for some students O_o
Btw, these are my marks :
English : 83 (A)
Chinese : 84 (A)
Higher Chinese : 71 (Merit)
Maths : 96 (A*)
Science : 93 (A*)

Total : 356/400

Went for 9 days?
Doing the project about it now.. =.=
I do not really like the project, so much to do
Anyway, I doing the project with Jia Hui and Adeline

2 days after I returned from China, it was my.... BIRTHDAY!!
A bit sad on my birthday 'cause nobody remembered my birthday except for some but they only knew it like the day before my birthday or some ON my birthday, some is I tell them de ...
Well... Received 3 presents..
Lol, better than nothing XD
Then Zhining say she also receive very little presents and I didn't give her birthday gift, so I feel a little guilty
I buy her present next year :DD
Btw, the 3 presents are :
Mother - $20
Cousin and her husband ; $20
Sin Yee : A doll (Is key chain, can hang on handphone also O.o) and a birthday card

Not long after the holiday started, we went to buy books and shoes
Erm, going to buy bag too, 'cause my previous one got 2 holes at the bottom :(Got poked by the books/books too heavy) :P
Then stay at home, play computer and eat, and blah blah XD
Then got Art Camp for 3 Days
Missed the 1st day 'cause I forgot to go
Luckily, Zhining called me and I went on the 2nd and 3rd of the Art Camp with my sister
>.< ~
Then went to Malaysia for one day
We went to one of the shopping malls in Malaysia and it was called 'JUSCO'
My dad say next time we go the shopping malls called 'TESCO'(LOL) and 'GIANT'
Then we went to eat SUSHIIIIIIIIIII
And we came back after eating until full :\
And, it's Christmas Eve!!
And guess what..
Got presents form 'Santa'
Actually is my parents
Hahas XD
We hung our sockings on Christmas Eve then at night my parents 'creep' in and put the presents inside
These are the presents :
-One whole container of 'Mister Potato Crips' (BBQ flavour)
-Chocolate (One packet)(Those kind of square square de chocolate and can break in square pieces)
-One cup of 'MEIJI' sticks (Chocolate flavour)(You know those kind of cup de and you can dip the sticks in the sauce, and mine also got those kind of toppings and they are sweet topping! Nice~)

Did you all get your presents?
Btw, Merry Christmas!

Gtg! Bb~


listened to the sweet sound @ 9:54 PM

Thursday, October 14, 2010 ♥

I long time never post liao! Haizz..
Probably because exam is here!
Btw, after exam I will post a lot and a lot of things here to make up for the posts that I didn't post >< !
SHINee's Hello MV came out! CUTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~! >3<
I have added the MV to my playlist so you can go watch it but if you want to watch the bigger version just go Youtube to watch XD
I have also added Taylor Swift's new album's song : Speak Now
Her new album's name is also called Speak Now XD Nice~ Especially the chorus, I definately recommend you to hear it

Gtg now! Byes~

listened to the sweet sound @ 5:58 PM

Thursday, September 30, 2010 ♥

SHINee just released a new album!
It is called Hello and I just heard their song and it rocks!
I watched the teaser for the MV and it's sooo cute >3< !!

This is the link to the teaser : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNdTd0ph-Io
This is the link to the song but no MV : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2sH-pNEwLQ

They're just too awesome!
Btw I have added the song Hello to my playlist, however there is no MV for it yet as the MV was not released yet, but I will add the song WITH the MV when the MV comes out!

listened to the sweet sound @ 5:43 PM

Thursday, September 2, 2010 ♥

Wow. I've just realised I haven't typed the words : "blogger.com" in such a looooooong time

Btw, I hate this very FU*KING person.
That person is not Cheston or Min Hui and he is a guy, or, I mean, GAY.
He is stupid, idiotic and HITS GIRLS.
That is a surely serious 'offence'
FU*K lor.
I only tease him, then he go hit me.
A looot of people tease him.
He make excuse say what I tease him so he go hit me.
But one thing for sure,

Btw, thinking of that fu*king person makes me very angry so I don't want to talk about him anymore.
Let's talk about other things.
Yu Lin and Mr Tan go New Zealand ler! T.T
Somewhat, I miss them :\
Still got what ah...
I forgot ler..
Got this new teacher that replaced Mr Tan when he goes to New Zealand and he is very nice!
He tell stories and jokes!
But sometimes he is very fierce >.< !

I will try to post as much as I can to keep my blog alive! XD

listened to the sweet sound @ 7:12 PM

Thursday, August 19, 2010 ♥

Wow. I long time never post liao..
Paiseh arh :\
I'm posting 'cause if I don't post.. then my blog not alive
But I really don't know what to post..
So I'm just posting this post just to let you know that I still care about my blog
Thanks to Zhining for reminding me to post, if not I wonder if I will post
Thanks Zhining

Btw, thanks all for tagging!

P.S. I've added 'Amigo' by SHINee!

listened to the sweet sound @ 10:35 PM

Saturday, July 24, 2010 ♥

Saturday went to NE Show
Received the funpack o.o

Inside contains :

`The national flag [Plus the thing for it to stand]
`The clapper [National flag design and also got 3 batteries]
`Article [About the show]
`Fan [Kindness Movement Board the mascot design]
`3 Bottles for drinking [2 plain water, 1 H-TWO-O]
`1 book of discount vouchers
`Fun Box
[Contains - Hand Satinizer, Wet tissue paper, Tissue paper, Tattoos, 2 packets of biscuits, Chrysanthemum tea[packet], Kindness Movement Board badge, NDP postcard, Litter plastic bag]

Wow, a lot of things =D

Then went there in bus - Hot and HUMID! ._.

I am going to list out the events XD

1) Ate 'dinner'
2)Hosts came out in motorcycles - Gurmit Singh, Michelle Chia, A malay man [The one who acted as the police in 'Police and Thief', a chinese woman [Dunno who is it]
3)Played the Kallang [a.k.a Padang] wave! WGPS is in the blue group, led by the chinese woman. O_o
4)Then got 1 performance by a group of secondary students, they did a performance using their gloves on their hands and their jackets.
5)Then got dancers.. dancing?
6)People with parachutes 'flew' down XD
7)Got soldiers, and other people like Girls Bridgade marched out :) A lot of people fainted. LOL
8)Then got those kind of boat-car and bus came out, on it are the the people representing Singapore during the YOG.
9)'PM, MP, MM, President' came out [I put the ' ' because the people are FAKE.]
10)Got 11 fake gun shots by the canons. :D
11)Then I think already night liao, got performance by Sylvia and Sezari
12)A lot of army tanks came out.
13)Got a lot of dances and light effects [which I like most]
15) Ending ceremony - a lot of like 'buildings' came out, which represents Singapore and 'Kit Chan' sang 'Home'.

I think end liao..?
Went back to school in a cool and dark bus, so nice~
I hope I can go agian LOL

listened to the sweet sound @ 10:06 PM

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 ♥

Haven't posted for about a week!
3 more days before.. NE Show!
I'm so excited!
'Cause I've never been to Singapore's NDP/Preview NE Show before!
It's finally the chance!

Quite a lot of things happened..
Yulin 'fought' with CHESTON
Actually Cheston was the one who caused the trouble
His seat was separated from Yulin's 'cause Mr Tan didn't want Cheston to cause anymore trouble but don't know why he keep pushing his table to Yulin's so Yulin very angry then...

He so @#(**@ )$)#$*&#*(

SHINee's second album came out!
Now listening to one of their songs in the album called : Your Name
Btw, the album name and the main song is called : Lucifer
I have added Your Name to my playlist!

Hehes! xD

listened to the sweet sound @ 10:25 PM

All About Her ♥

-Hiie~ I'm ஜ Kwok wing
-I am 11 this year! ^^
-Currently studying in WGPS
1K 2H 3H 4H 5I
-Birthday's on 16th November(Presents are acceptable!~)
-Best friends are :
Jia Hui(Ng) Zhining Yu Lin Janis
-Am a BIG fan of Taylor Swift and SHINee

Desires ♥

-MUST get good grades every year XD
-Get into NUS high! MUST ( If not, MUST get at least *275* for P.S.L.E)
-Get a laptop like my big sis~ O_O
-Get my handphone fixed!/Get new handphone!
-Be a Doctor when I grow up

Hates ♥

-Fu*king Bitches/Bastards
-Perverted stuff

Taylor Swift! ♥

Taylor Swift Website! :3♥

Should You Click? ♥

Better don't click this!

Tick Tock ♥

Chit Chat ♥

Music! ♥

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Sweet Escape ♥

4H blog♥
Kok Yin[Big Sis]♥
Kwok Ching[Small Sis]♥
Jia Hui(Ng)♥
Zhining Jerlin♥
Zhong Han♥
Zheng Yang♥
Qian Lin♥
Sue Yu♥
Sin Yee♥

Memories ♥

June 2009July 2009August 2009September 2009October 2009November 2009December 2009January 2010February 2010March 2010April 2010May 2010June 2010July 2010August 2010September 2010October 2010December 2010

Credits ♥
